

Back AirSculpt®

Ditch Your Lower Back Fat Pad With These 5 Exercises

Strong young man suffering lower back pain in stress and bad posture

If it feels as if you're carrying the weight of a pillow attached to your butt, then you're not alone. Many men and women have excess fat hanging around their buttocks, which, unfortunately, cannot be spot reduced.

Nevertheless, with a diet and exercise plan, you can progressively get rid of fat all around your body, including the unwanted fat pad on top of your tailbone.

How To Naturally Lose Lower Back Fat With A Diet

No matter what exercise plan or how much you do of it, you will not see an ounce of fat disappear unless you commit yourself to a balanced diet.

To lose weight, you must burn off the excess fat with a caloric deficit, most easily achieved by regulating what you make in the kitchen.

The internet is full of several diets you can choose from, but very few detail the golden rule needed to lose weight (and fat, for that matter): burning more calories than you consume. 

Caloric deficits are often over-complicated, but they do not have to be. This term refers to consuming fewer calories than needed to maintain your current weight. That means you must be very aware of how many calories you put into your body and how many you burn daily. Do not confuse a caloric deficit with a diet that constantly makes you feel hungry. Just make optimal food choices that are high in volume but are not too calorie-dense.

By eating 500 fewer calories than you use daily, you can lose up to a pound of fat per week! The body will lose fat in a way determined by genetics, but sticking with your plan will ultimately provide results, even in trouble areas like the lower back.

Exercising Is A Must Too

Before getting into the vast array of lower back fat pad exercises, you must understand that you can't spot-reduce fat. Back exercises will not burn off the fat in the area; they will only develop the musculature.

That said, you must perform cardiovascular exercises coupled with strength-training practices if you want to change the aesthetic of your lower back.

Here's a list of five tailbone fat pad exercises that, if done consistently, will rejuvenate your body and reduce that stubborn tailbone fat pad in no time:

  1. Cardiovascular activities: jogging, running, biking, hiking, etc

  2. Planks

  3. Pull-ups (assisted pull-ups are an easier variation)

  4. Dumbell deadlifts

  5. Dumbell rows

Elite Body Sculpture Can Reduce Lower Back Fat

If exercise and diet have helped your burn off the lower back fat pad, but you still want to achieve a particular aesthetic that isn't possible on your own, Elite Body Sculpture can help.

Lower Back AirSculpt+ is a targeted fat reduction procedure that doesn't use a scalpel, needle, stitches, or general anesthesia to provide long-lasting results. Patients remain fully awake during treatment as their tailbone fat is reduced through freckle-sized entry points two millimeters in diameter. 

Compared with various traditional liposuction approaches, this lower back contouring technique is far less painful and has a shorter downtime of 48 hours on average.  

For more information on how to get started, call our Toronto body contouring office to schedule your complimentary consultation. 


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AirSculpt® is a registered trademark | Elite Body Sculpture is the exclusive provider of AirSculpt® | Patent number: 0349895872 


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