

Buffalo Hump AirSculpt®

Buffalo Hump vs. Dowager's Hump: Are They The Same?

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A buildup of fat between the shoulders, commonly referred to as a buffalo hump or a dorsocervical fat pad, can be challenging to lose. As a result, many people seek advice on reducing their buffalo hump. Patients should first understand what causes a buffalo hump and how it differs from similar conditions.  

What Causes A Buffalo Hump?

The buffalo hump is usually caused by a hormonal imbalance, typically induced by a condition or specific medication. An unhealthy or sedentary lifestyle and a genetic predisposition to forming fat behind the neck can also cause a dorsocervical fat pad to form. 

  1. Long-term use of corticosteroid medicines such as cortisone and hydrocortisone can cause a growth of fat behind your shoulders.

  2. Medication used to treat the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) can also cause growth behind the shoulders.

  3. Cushing's syndrome is when your body produces too much cortisol. A hump behind the back can be a side effect of this. 

  4. Madelung's disease is a condition that affects your fat metabolism. It can form an unusual tissue buildup around your neck, shoulder, hips, thighs, and upper arms.

  5. Excess fat accumulation from an unhealthy lifestyle can also produce a buffalo hump.

The Difference Between A Buffalo Hump and Dowager's Hump

Kyphosis is the medical terminology for a dowager's hump, a rounded hunch that begins at the base of your neck.

The dowager's hump is caused by a chronic-forward leaning posture, which over time, forces your upper spine to curve and simultaneously form a mass of tissue at the bottom of your neck. The buffalo hump, by contrast, is a buildup of subcutaneous fat tissue caused by a hormone imbalance or excessive fat accumulation.  

A dowager's hump tends to appear further down the back than a buffalo hump. While a dowager's hump refers to one's spine, the buffalo hump is composed of fatty tissue. 

How Is The Buffalo Hump Treated?

The treatment for a hump behind the shoulders likely depends on why it began in the first place.

If medications are the reason for a hump, then you should work with your doctor to adjust your dosage. Do not alter your medication routine without consulting a trained medical professional. 

If a dowager's hump is formed due to poor posture, a combination of lifestyle improvements, back-strengthening exercises, and specialized braces can help improve the condition.

If the cause of a buffalo hump is excess subcutaneous fat, then procedures like liposuction can be considered. 

The Buffalo Hump AirSculpt® + Experience 

As we've established, the difference between a buffalo hump and a dowager's hump rests on the causes and what comprises each type of hump.

For Canadian patients interested in reducing a buffalo hump caused by subcutaneous fat, the Buffalo Hump AirSculpt® + procedure provides results without using a scalpel, needle, stitches, or general anesthesia.

Buffalo Hump AirSculpt® + is an advanced treatment that reduces fat through small entry points two millimeters in diameter. Patients enjoy quickly noticeable results and downtime of just 48 hours on average. 

Because fat cells do not regenerate in mature adults, the buffalo hump's reduction should last indefinitely as long as patients maintain their post-procedure weight. 

For more information on the AirSculpt® + Experience, call our Toronto body sculpting office to schedule your first consultation.


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